Sunday, January 20, 2008

Response--How Did The World Begin?

1. From where did plants that don't have seed come? (after reading Genesis chapter 1)
I couldn't find an answer to this question. But I have sent an email to an agricultural friend of mine. Maybe, he will have an idea.

2. What about cloning? It seems that humans can create life.
This seems to be the general viewpoint that I read,
"All attempts at cloning are nothing but copying the nature. Humans can only destroy God's work and mix its elements to find new forms of life (genetic mutations), but it's still God's design."
There are many questions about cloning that Christians have. You can read more at these links:

3. Siblings have intermarried in early history, but now it is dangerous. Why has it changed?
It seems to be generally understood that in early history, relatives did intermarry. Here is a quote from the following website:
"The law forbidding marriage between close relatives was not given until the time of Moses (Leviticus 18-20). "

4. When was the Bible written?
"The Bible was written over a period of 1400 to 1800 years by more than 40 different authors."

The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) was completed by 500 BC. The Greek Bible (New Testament) was completed in the 1st century AD. Later, these were translated into Latin (382 AD). John Wycliffe made a handwritten English translation in 1384 AD. Later, after the printing presses were invented, the Bible was translated again into English in 1526 AD.

I also found that the Bible was translated into Chinese in the 1800's.

One Last Note:
Here is another interesting quote that I found in researching. Someone commented that it was difficult to believe that God created the world in just 6 days. This might help.
“Historically, neither most Jews nor Christians interpreted Genesis 1 as referring to twenty-four-hour time periods.” From the book Who Made God? by Ravi K. Zacharias and Norman L. Geisler

See you next time!

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