Monday, January 28, 2008

Response: What Is God Really Like?

Thoughts from our discussion:

1. If God is Loving and Sovereign, why do natural disasters occur?
You don't know the path the wind takes. You don't know how a baby is made inside its mother. So you can't understand how God works either. He made everything. Ecclesiastes 11:5
As it says in Ecclesiastes, it is impossible to understand all about God. There are some hard questions that seem to have no answer, although there are lots of opinions and thoughts.
One person in our discussion suggested that Satan, as the ruler of the earth, was to blame for the chaos. I think I agree. Whether or not this is the Truth, I am comforted by the fact that God is always there providing strength and help in the midst of tragedy.

So do not be afraid. I am with you. Do not be terrified. I am your God. I will make you strong and help you. My powerful right hand will take good care of you. I always do what is right. Isaiah 41:10

2. If the demons believe in God, what is the difference between their beliefs and your beliefs?
You believe there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that.
And they tremble! James 2:19
I believe faith in God is a necessary first step. But it is just the beginning. God created mankind to have relationships. God desires you. He wants you to love Him and commit your life to Him. The demons don't want anything to do with the love of God. They want to go their own way, definitely not committing their life to Him. They care nothing about His desires. So what about you? Do you believe? Do you care?

3. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
"It's one thing to believe the God described in the Bible exists,
and quite another to let that belief influence your life."
For some it takes quite a lot of effort, research and faith to believe that there is One True Living God as described in the Bible. But as explained above in number 2, there's the next step which is to accept Jesus (the Son of God) as your personal Savior, and invite Him into your life. This means that you trust Him enough to allow Him to influence everything you do. It doesn't mean it will be easy, but it does mean that God will be your constant companion.

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