Sunday, February 10, 2008

Response: Can I Know God?

1. How can sin be a barrier between us and God, if He loves us so much? Does He really turn away as the verse in Isaiah says?
I understand there to be two types of sin. The first is Original Sin that was introduced into the world from the beginning, and has been passed down through humanity since. The second is sin that followers of Jesus still struggle to overcome as they try to do what God wants.

The Original Sin separated the first man and woman from God's presence (see Genesis 1-3). As a result, this Sin in us is what separates us from God. This separation results in death (physically and eternally). God is a Holy God who can not be in the presence of sin. This is why He has to turn away.

On the other side, God lives and offers eternal life through Jesus (physical death, but the soul lives with Him forever). After that, God can no longer see our sin because Jesus covers us. With this security, we know that "Nothing at all can ever separate us from God's love because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done." Romans 8:39(b). We still have the responsibility to strive to do the right thing and ask forgiveness when we do wrong, but we can be sure that God loves us.

2. There was some interesting discussion about reincarnation.
To summarize, reincarnation is a continual proccess to become good. The Bible teaches that no one can become good enough, the only Way to eternal life is to accept Jesus.

3. What are some factors influencing a change in belief to accept the Living God and Jesus as the only Way to eternal life?
When an individual experiences God for themselves, there is undeniable evidence of His love and the Truth. Another factor is divine revelation. God is infinite. Because of this, our finite minds have difficulty understanding Him. However, the Bible says that we can "know the love of Christ which passes knowledge" Ephesians 3:19. We can not understand God. But He will help us understand who He is, so that it is possible to know Him.

4. Why would God only accept those that believe in Jesus? Why doesn't He accept good people?
First, God prepares a home for each one who invites Jesus into his/her life. When followers of Jesus die, they go to live with Him in His home. If good people have rejected Jesus Christ all of their life, why would they now want to spend eternity with Him?
Another thought, God's Truth is objective. He has clearly explained the Way to eternal life. A person can know whether or not he/she is going to heaven. If God was subjective in accepting good people, what would define goodness? How would a person ever know if he/she was good enough?

Gospel Message
The illustration above and below show that Man (humankind) has been separated from God because of sin. This results in eternal death. Jesus has come to bridge that separation and make a way for us to be restored to the Living God. When we believe in Jesus as the verses in the summary below have shown, we can cross over to eternal life!

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